Frequently Asked Questions

In this section we will try to answer the most frequently asked questions of our clients or those interested in transport.

How much does it cost to transport goods by road / rail / air / ship?

The cost of shipping depends on the date, quantity and route. Each price is created individually based on the client's requirements and depending on the complexity of the transport.

How long does the delivery time take?

The standard for the EU states is 1-3 working days, but it depends on the specification of the transport and of course the distance. In other countries, delivery times are individual.

What are the options for shipment insurance?

Write us how you want to ship your shipment and what is its content and we will contact you.

How many days in advance do you need to order a shipment in order to avoid problems with ordering the vehicle?

It is ideal to advise 2-3 working days in advance.

With less goods, is there a difference in ordering a vehicle for solo or for loading?

Certainly, there are differences in prices for loading on a solo or a whole trailer. The price may be slightly lower on the load, but it must be borne in mind that unloading may not be as soon as possible, which is not the case with solos and semi-trailers.

Can you also arrange express shipments, even if they were loaded on the day of ordering?

Yes, we do.

Do you make oversized transports? Since when is the goods considered to be oversized?

Yes, we also provide oversized transport - transport is considered as oversized transport if goods are goods wider than standard, ie. width over 2.5m. or a height above 3 m, or a length above 13.6 m. The lengths are exempted when goods are considered oversized, so each shipment is evaluated separately.

What does ADR mean?

The transport of dangerous goods includes various types such as explosive substances and articles, gases, flammable solids, flammable liquids, organic peroxides, oxidizing substances, toxic substances, radioactive material, corrosive hazardous substances and other dangerous substances.

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